The Club was formed in 1931 to cater for the interests of cat fanciers living in the South Western area
of the country; on the right is the club's original logo. The Club is a member of the Governing Council
of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) who maintain a genetic register of all pedigree cats, appoint Judges, grant
Breeding Prefixes and issue licences for championship shows.
Each autumn the Club holds a Championship show for both pedigree and non-pedigree cats in a
central location in the South West, and usually has an entry of around 200 cats.
The annual subscription is due on 1st January and is currently £5.00 single, £7.00 joint and £1 for
junior members (under age 16).
Membership application forms are available from the Secretary or Treasurer, details on the Contact page.
We are pleased to welcome everyone as a member, whether you are a breeder, exhibitor or simply own and love cats.
President: Diana Harper
Chairman: Tim Napier
Vice Chair: Shirley Verrier
Hon. Secretary: Yvonne Napier
Hon. Treasurer: Rosemary Fisher
Committee: Alison Evans
Mary Hutchings
Elizabeth Lavis
Neil Lavis